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Disability and Classical Education

  • Disability and Classical Education

Disability and Classical Education


  • A proper understanding of disability is central both to the human condition and to leading classical Christian education forward. Thus, an adequate anthropology is needed to support a vision of the indivisible relationship between disability and a classical education in which all students are seen as valuable contributors to the learning community. Offering a philosophical basis along with practical guidance, author Dr. Amy Richards unfolds the need to build new understandings of the nature of disability, the goal of education, and the ways in which classical educators can offer genuine welcome to students with disabilities and learning differences.

    Expand Your Teacher Training with the Disability and Classical Education ClassicalU Course

    Disability and Classical Education with Dr. Amy Richards

    In this course, Dr. Amy Richards introduces both a philosophical basis and practical guidance for serving students with special learning needs within classical schools. A classical education should orient us towards how the true, the good, and the beautiful manifest themselves in human lives. Instructional Hours: 2.75

    Preview Lesson 1: Reframing Disability

  • Paperback

    ISBN: 9781600516986

    Pages: 142

    Dimensions: 6in x 9in

  • Amy Richards, Author

    Amy Richards

    Amy Gilbert Richards, PhD, is Affiliate Professor and Chair of Philosophy at Eastern University and Faculty Fellow of the Templeton Honors College's Master of Arts in Classical Teaching program. Her course entitled "Difference and Human Dignity in the Great Tradition" is dedicated both to developing an understanding, through the lens of disability and difference, of what it is to be human and to offering practical techniques for classical classroom approaches for students with special needs. She lives in Havertown, PA, with her husband and their three small girls.