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We have released a revised edition of Latin Alive! Book 1. If you are looking for the previous edition to be compatible with the materials you already have, you can still purchase it here for a limited time, while supplies last.
A yearlong course for grades 7-8 and up
REVISED VERSION 3.0 TEXT (2017). Please see compatibility notes below.
The Latin Alive! series is a relevant, rigorous, yet engaging introduction to Latin for middle and high school students. This Latin curriculum will truly make the Latin language come alive both for students who have studied Latin (such as students who have completed the Latin for Children curriculum) and for those who have not previously been introduced to Latin.
Written by experienced and enthusiastic Latin teachers, the Latin Alive! series provides complete Latin training that enables students to read and translate original Latin. The Latin Alive! series features a unique blend of grammatical training and engaging reading of original Latin texts that will help maintain student interest and impart skill, capacity, and mastery. Where other curricula downplay training in grammar, the authors of this series have found a way to teach grammar so that students understand and enjoy it. The authors present Latin grammar in small, digestible sections that are clearly illustrated and explained. As students find success decoding and reading Latin, their pleasure will increase.
The Latin Alive! series also creates student enjoyment by illustrating the relevance of Latin in history, ancient and contemporary culture, the Romance languages, English derivatives, and the grammatical structure of English. Students will see in multiple ways the benefits of Latin study. By providing training in Roman culture, myths, and history (as well as robust Latin instruction), the series also prepares students well for the National Latin Exam and an Advanced Placement Latin course.
Latin Alive! Book 1 (Student Edition) contains 36 weekly chapters, including 7 review chapters. Clear grammatical explanations explain all five noun declensions and cases, all verb conjugations, irregular verbs, and various pronouns, adjectives, and adverbs. Each chapter begins with the Latin motto of a United States state seal and includes extensive study of Latin derivatives. The student edition also includes contributions by Christopher Schlect, historian and academic dean at New Saint Andrews College.
Please Note: Due to the extent of the 2017 revisions, we do not recommend using a combination of old and new versions, such as an updated version 3.0 of the student book with an old teacher's edition. We recommend upgrading to Version 3.0 for both the student and teacher's editions. The video is still compatible with either version of the text (but please see our Support tab above for a PDF chart of page number changes pertaining to the Chapter 1 video). The version number can be found on the copyright page of each book (see example here).
How does this text compare with Latin for Children?
This first text in the Latin Alive! series serves as both an introduction for middle school and high school students who have not previously studied Latin, and also as a “bridge text” into more advanced study for students who have studied Latin in grammar school. If your student has gone through all of the Latin for Children primers, you will find this first year of Latin Alive! to be one of accelerated review, with greater explanation of grammar and increased reading and translation.
ISBN: 9781600510540
Pages: 280
Dimensions: 8.5in x 11in
Karen Moore, Author
Karen T. Moore has served as the Classical Languages Chair at Grace of Georgetown, Tx. since 2002. During her years at Grace Academy she has taught Latin, Greek, Ancient Humanities, and assisted with curriculum development. Karen is also the author of several Latin books including the Libellus de Historia series, the Latin Alive! series (Classical Academic Press) and Hancus ille Vaccanis (Logos Press). She is a course lecturer with ClassicalU, an adjunct professor in Classics with Houston Christian University, and a board member with the ACCS Institute for Classical Languages. Karen holds a BA in Classics from the University of Texas at Austin and an MSc with Distinction in Classical Art & Archaeology from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. Karen and her husband Bryan are the proud parents of three Grace Academy Alumni. When not reading Latin literature, Karen can be found working in her garden, hiking with her family, or leading her students in adventures across Italy.
Gaylan DuBose MA, Author
Gaylan DuBose graduated with high honors from the University of North Texas in 1964 with a major in English and minors in Latin and history. He earned a master of arts in classics in 1970 from the University of Minnesota, where he had received a fellowship. He also studied at the University of Texas and at Worcester College, Oxford University. Gaylan went on to teach Latin in the classroom for 47 years. During his lengthy career, he was chosen as Teacher of the Year twice at Travis High School and once at Westwood High School. He also served as the academic contest chair for the National Junior Classical League from 1996 to 2005. After retiring in 2010, Gaylan continued to tutor students in Latin and Greek and elementary students in reading and mathematics. He taught many of the Latin Alive! online courses for Scholé Academy and served on the National Latin Exam’s Committee for Scholarship. In 2016, the American Classical League honored Gaylan with the prestigious Meritus Award. In his free time, Gaylan enjoyed volunteering at his local branch of the Austin Public Library and serving as the choir director, organist, and minister of music for his church. He was also the author of Farrago Latina: A Teacher Resource and coauthor of Excelability in Advanced Latin and the Latin Alive! series.