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- From the founding of Rome to the sack of the eternal city by Alaric the Goth in AD 410, Ancient Rome Books 1 & 2 cover the rise of the Roman Republic and the slow decline and fall of the Roman empire. These books begin with the founding myths, chart the wars with Carthage and the influence of Hellenism, and cover the establishment and breaking of the Roman empire. Along the way, the documents in these books will illustrate the virtues that defined Roman citizenship, chart the birth and spread of Christianity, and provide insight into Roman education, philosophy, and material culture. The 50 chapters include: · Selections from the golden age of Latin poetry by Virgil, Horace, Ovid, and Catullus, which serve to define artistic ideals in the classical world and later inspire poets such as Dante, Shakespeare, and Alexander Pope · Documents that offer a window into life in Rome, whether Petronius on Roman luxury, Martial’s depiction of Roman games and the arena, or accounts of Roman women · Pagan and Christian accounts of the rise of Christianity and the fall of Rome · Texts, such as Caesar’s, that depict the various struggles for power that define the Roman Empire
ISBN: 9781600516696
Pages: 968
Dimensions: 8.5in x 11in
Paul Stephenson PhD, Author
The author or editor of ten books, Paul Stephenson most recently published New Rome: The Empire in the East (Harvard University Press, 2022), which was named a top 25 history book of the year by The Times (London). A historian of Greece, Rome, and Byzantium, Dr. Stephenson studied at Cambridge University before being appointed to a fellowship at Keble College, Oxford University. In the past three decades, he has held teaching and research posts at universities, museums, and research institutes in seven countries, including four professorial chairs (Wisconsin, Durham, Nijmegen, Lincoln). His research has been supported by the British Academy, Dumbarton Oaks (Trustees for Harvard University), the Humboldt Foundation, the National Hellenic Research Foundation, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Onassis Foundation, Princeton University, the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study, and the University of California.
Valerie Long, Author
Valerie Long is an adjunct instructor in the History Department at Messiah University and serves as the Manager of School Programs at the York County History Center. She is a PhD candidate in Classics at the University at Buffalo, has an MA in Classics from the University at Buffalo, and a BA in Latin, Classical Studies, and Classical Archaeology from Hunter College. Since 2014, she has been part of the archaeological team that works on the Italian island of Stromboli, where she currently serves as their glass specialist.
Christopher Maiocca MA
Chris Maiocca received a Master of Arts from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in South Hamilton, Massachusetts. Since graduating, he has taught at three classical schools and currently resides in Boise, Idaho. He is married to Robin, his wife of twenty years, with whom he has four children—Hannah, Christopher, Phoebe, and Jeremiah.